
1 Ministry of the Water Recourses, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Ministry of the Higher education and Scientific Research Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Babylon, Hillah, Iraq



This research aimed to estimate and analyse the water demand for the Muthanna and Thi-Qar provinces in Iraq's lower Euphrates River Basin. WEAP, CROPWAT model, and statistical forecasting methods were used to estimate agricultural, municipal, and industrial water demand. The results showed that the municipal demand for Muthanna reaches a maximum of 211.4 MCM in 2059 and a minimum of 98 MCM in 2022, while the demand for Thi-Qar is higher at 377.2 MCM and a minimum demand of 174.8 MCM in the same year. This difference is due to the larger population of Muthanna compared to Thi-Qar. The agricultural water demand for the two provinces also exhibits a significant difference, with Muthanna experiencing a maximum demand of 1579 MCM in 2059 and a minimum water demand of 1443.4 MCM in 2022, compared to a maximum water demand of 347.8 MCM and a minimum water demand of 317 MCM for Thi-Qar over the same period. This difference is due to the larger irrigated area in Muthanna compared to Thi-Qar. The findings from the comparison between the different methods suggest that demand can be accurately forecasted and planned in the future. The research highlights the need for effective water resource management in the face of the challenges posed by climate change, population growth, and industrialization in the lower reach of the Euphrates River.


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